Crab fishermen face several hazards each time they go out on the vessel. It’s up to the owner of the boat and the captain to ensure these men and women have a safe work environment. Proper personal safety gear is one of the most critical components of a solid safety...
Commercial Fishermen
Dangers in commercial diving
Commercial divers don’t have the luxury of fish spotting or calm sightseeing in the reefs. Instead, these divers are tasked with maintenance, inspection, construction and repair -- among other duties -- at a myriad of locations from offshore to lakes and dams. When...
2 of the biggest risks for those who fish on the open ocean
Fishing is more than a popular hobby. It is a massive industry, especially in Southern California. Thousands of workers head out in boats every day to see what they can catch and earn a living out on the ocean. For all the excitement and potential income involved in...
3 common health and safety risks that commercial fishermen face
The majority of jobs pose certain risks of workplace injury. However, due to the nature of the work and environment, offshore workers face a heightened risk of injury. Commercial fishing has long been recognized as one of the most hazardous jobs in America, with...
Lost wages after a loved one dies in the fishing industry
If you lose a loved one while they’re working in the fishing industry, lost wages are certainly not your first concern. You want to be there for your family and work through a very difficult emotional situation, and everything else takes a back seat. If you are...
Deck safety must be a priority for commercial fishermen
People who work on the deck of a commercial fishing vessel face many hazards. It’s up to the vessel owner to ensure that those are minimized so the worker has a safe workplace. For the men and women who work on the deck, the dangers are often obvious, but some might...
The 3 big dangers fishermen face
Those brave men and women who “go down to the sea in ships” to earn their living face incredible dangers every time they step aboard a vessel. In fact, commercial fishermen have fatality rates that are 29 times greater than the national average here in the United...