The maritime industry is, without a doubt, one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Maritime workers contend with a wide range of hazards, from unsafe work conditions to unseaworthy vessels and a lack of proper safety equipment. If a loved one sustains fatal...
Maritime Wrongful Death
What boaters should know about carbon monoxide poisoning
Carbon monoxide (CO) is odorless, colorless and outright deadly if you breathe too much of it. Unfortunately, according to a 2018 report on recreational boating, it’s the fifth leading cause of death among boaters and one of the most common causes of injury. By its...
Fishing nets can be a major risk when out on the open ocean
Commercial fishing operations, especially on offshore vessels, are among the most dangerous employment opportunities. The good pay workers often command is compensation for the elevated risk of a workplace fatality or a disabling injury. Especially when people fish...
How Stop Work Authority could affect a maritime injury claim
Workers employed at Maritime facilities like offshore oil rigs have different rights than other employees. Their jobs carry higher risks than those of terrestrial workers, and they often have to work for many days or weeks straight without seeing loved ones in person....
A drowning event can lead to an acquired brain injury (ABI)
You have probably heard of a traumatic brain injury, which is often called a TBI. This happens when the brain is injured by some sort of outside force. This could be a penetrating injury or it could be an internal injury, such as damage caused when the brain impacts...
How soon can someone missing at sea be declared dead?
When someone goes missing at sea, the search and rescue teams work tirelessly to find them. But what happens if they aren't found? How long do their loved ones have to wait before they can declare them dead? Families need closure, and they may also need financial...
Understanding pressure change injuries in diving
When training to dive, whether for pleasure or to advance your career, it’s crucial to be aware of the injuries that can occur and recognize their symptoms. Non-divers may assume the biggest risk is becoming a snack for a shark. Yet, the most common dangers result...
What claims can you seek in a maritime wrongful death claim?
Losing a loved one at sea or as a result of injuries sustained in a maritime accident can be a harrowing experience. While grieving the loss of your loved one, it is important that you know your legal rights. One of the most important maritime statutes is the Death on...
How the offshore oil and gas industry looks safer than it is
After the Deepwater Horizon explosion in 2010, worker safety on offshore oil and gas rigs temporarily became a hot topic across the United States. However, it didn't take long for people to lose interest in this particular issue. Now, just over a decade after that...
There is no excuse for drowning in the maritime industry
There are many safety risks that people in the maritime industry face. Among them are the risks of slipping and falling, burning themselves, chemical exposure, puncture wounds and others. Of all the risks, the one that has to be taken most seriously is the risk of...